
Collaborations and partnerships are a vital element of our work at the KNAW Humanities Cluster. What better way to improve national and international humanities research by working together? Sharing specialised knowledge and skills will inspire and profit everyone involved. A coordinated effort will have the benefit of economy of scale and will secure funding. Cooperation in terms of methodology and standards for data will be beneficial in coping with big data. This way we provide all researchers a much richer context when using digital data and thus stimulating inventive insights and solutions.

Our expertise

The HuC offers an unique combination of knowledge, skills and experience in data and collection management, building sustainable digital infrastructure, computational sciences and humanities research, which sets us apart from other leading research facilities in the world. 

The HuC is specialised in digital humanities. The world is becoming more digital every day. If the humanities were ever needed in this process, it is now. The most advanced front of development in computer science, artificial intelligence, needs counselling. At our Department of Digital Infrastructure we employ over thirty Research Software Engineers (RSEs) with hundreds of years of collective experience in development.

Partners and collaborations

We pride ourselves to count among our current partners the Royal Library, the National Archives of the Netherlands, the Rijksmuseum, Brill Publishers, Microsoft, the University of Amsterdam, University of Antwerp and the University of Oxford, to name but a few.
