About us

The KNAW Humanities Cluster is devoted to innovative, state-of-the-art research in the humanities. We initiate interdisciplinary projects, develop new digital methods and build sustainable digital infrastructure. By connecting with a wide variety of researchers, research software engineers, and other stakeholders within and outside the academic community, we aim to achieve maximal societal and scholarly impact.

The KNAW Humanities Cluster houses researchers, experts in digital data and collection management, (data) collections and digital infrastructure, all supported by a professional department of Operational Management. This unique combination of expertise offers everything one needs to be successful in a modern research environment and it sets us apart from almost all other (digital) humanities research facilities in the world.

Our researchers focus on Dutch language and culture, History and Literature of the Netherlands, History of Knowledge, and Global Labour History.

‘Scientific and social developments require a joint effort. The individual KNAW institutes are too small for that. Working together can generate valuable new insights that may be useful for policymakers.’ – Henk Wals, former director IISH and former chairman of the board of directors of the KNAW Humanities Cluster, University of Amsterdam, 25 October 2016
